
Vigneto Largo Basso TIIIB

With a narrower axle than the Frutteto Basso, the Vigneto Largo Basso can cover all the needs of specialised agriculture with canopy, pergola or pot-cultivated crops, with a minimum overall size of 1350mm.

The real distinguishing element of this model is the new “Pergola” version with cab which, with its minimum height of 1882mm, is the Carraro engineering solution for using a cab model even with pergola or canopy cultivation.

The Vigneto Largo Basso tractor models are the 75VLB85VLB95VLB105VLB and 115VLB, with the new high-performance Stage IIIB FPT engine (3,400hp) with electronic injection - the most compact in its category. For this model too, the positioning of the DOC/DPF device outside the bonnet is aimed at maintaining the specific nature of this tractor, purposely designed for specialised canopy and pergola agriculture.

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