

Visit to Rovigo of the dealer Marchesi Fidenzio

On 27 November, Carraro Agritalia welcomed the dealer Marchesi Fidenzio, who visited the plant for in-depth discussions about our production and to learn about our new, but already very appreciated and esteemed Agricube.
Carraro dealer since 2010 in the Provinces of Parma and Reggio Emilia, involved in distributing the Orchard and Light Utility ranges, Marchesi, with more than 50 years of history, is distinguished by its professionalism and reliability. The partnership, which was celebrated during this first visit to Agritalia with a group of end customers, was extremely beneficial to both parties. Agritalia, who is not new to these types of initiatives, was able to come into direct contact with the market, hearing the requests of the tractor users that were able to admire the extreme production efficiency, increasingly high and lean, our plant is obtaining as a result of hard but stimulating restyling work.
The comments of the dealer and his customers was comforting: in spite of this dark period of crisis, quality and innovation are driving customers to search for products of excellence.
This is why the market’s growing interest in the Tre Cavallini confirms Carraro Agritalia’s position as a leader in the design and production of qualitatively excelling machines.


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